

Headless WordPress experiences for a flexible tech stack

Headless brings a lot of benefits, but choosing the right partner is key to getting the most from a headless architecture.

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Headless WordPress experiences
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Traunsee Halbmarathon
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Namaste Village
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Why go headless?

A headless CMS is a backend website architecture that adapts to different front-end frameworks for content distribution flexibility across platforms and devices.

The good news is there’s no need to go “all in” from the start. All the sites we build are REST API-ready, giving you the freedom to make the switch if you need more flexibility down the road.

Organisations choose headless as it allows for a best-in-breed technology stack, where innovative front-end frameworks and channels can iterate quickly, creating next-gen experiences for uses.

All of this adds up to mean creative teams can focus unencumbered on design and user-experience.

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Benefit from headless with the Human Made experts

Decoupled headless websites are popular thanks to the flexibility and diverse tech stack they allow.

We were heavily involved in bringing the REST API, a fundamental block of headless architecture, to WordPress. Human Made’s Ryan McCue pioneered the REST API, as well as many adjacent technologies that make WordPress a contender to be the best headless CMS.

The design of the WordPress REST API also enables powerful extensibility for custom business logic, third party integrations, and custom data formats, giving you more autonomy over how your site works.

Headless stacks of all shapes and sizes

From loosely decoupled all the way to hybrid approaches, there’s a solution for you. We use a number of tools, including:

Node JS
Next Js
Story Book
Graph QL
Find your headless flow

Find your headless flow

Creating the right stack and architecture is essential to ensure functionality from the WordPress CMS flows as expected.

Common considerations include SEO tags (via Yoast or similar), the ability to preview unpublished content in a decoupled architecture, and efficient use of REST API batching.

We’ve worked on a diverse set of deployments and have many existing solutions to draw from, from Single Page Applications (SPAs) and decoupled Node.js SSR-only static sites all the way to Static Page Generation and Akamai NetStorage.

The definitive guide to headless WordPress

  • What is a headless CMS?
  • How does headless WordPress work?

Advantages, disadvantages, how to tell if headless is right for your organization, and case studies for inspiration…

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    Still wondering if Headless is the right choice for you? Then read on…